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  1. Dona Whiting says:

    Thank you. I have 2 Airbnb’s and had some of your list but not all of them it has really helped. My guest love it makes them feel at home and comfortable!

  2. Dona Whiting says:

    I use all of your ideas in my Airbnb I didn’t have some of them so thank you

  3. Thank you!! I’m always on the lookout for new additions and extra touches for my guest room./bathroom. Ours isn’t big enough to add the desk and poofy chair but I’m on the hunt for small items to create a solution. The nicest compliment is when a guest says they feel like they’ve been to a very special B&B. 🌸

  4. that was great!! thankyou

  5. Love the post! A plunger for sure! Have you ever been at someone’s house and had to ask for a plunger? Can’t wait to use these tips at the lake house!

  6. Great list of items! Many I have not thought of earlier. Where did you happen to get the printable of the Wifi #?

    1. I designed that one. I do plan on sharing but have to work on having the pdf be fillable for readers. When I do, one of my issues was the font that you fill in with would be much different. I’d love your feedback…would that bother you?

  7. What a great list. These are some of the best tips I ever heard – I hadn’t thought of several of them. I love the welcome basket and extra toiletries ideas. Definitely ordering some of those makeup towels! I’m tired of having my “good” washcloths ruined. :/

    1. Thank you my friend! Those washcloths are the best. I need to pack one in my overnight bag…I’m always embarrassed to leave the washcloths where I’m staying with my “face” still on them.

      1. What a wonderful and helpful post, especially with the holidays coming up! Thank you so much for all the great ideas!! Pat

    2. Dona Whiting says:

      I have the make up wipes in a lidded jar. I leave a note welcoming them to use them. I make sure they are always damp. Saved me a lot of wash cloths

      1. That’s a great idea Dona! I’ve been asked if I have some before. That’s also why I put out the special “makeup” washcloths. I even take one with me when I travel because hotel ones are always white and I feel so bad!

  8. I read about all the great ideas to make a guest feel at home and then the genius coffee pot idea! So, I want to visit you and be your house guest.
    Happy Fall,

  9. What a pretty bedroom, great tips for the holidays

  10. Love your checklist Kate and the advice to sleep in the room is a great idea! I bet your guests love to linger well beyond their stay 🙂

  11. Thanks so much for the list. There’s a whole bunch of things I would never have thought of, so it’s going to be a handy little checklist to refer back to before our guests arrive for the Christmas holidays.