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  1. Mary Bailey says:

    Thank you for such great ideas for January decorating! After removing the Christmas decorations, combined with the great snow we had last night, our house look bleak. I’m going back to the attic and retrieving some greenery and electric candles. I still have some pine cones I picked up in the fall. I don’t have those beautiful finials, but I do have glass trees. I can’t wait to get started to decorate for my birthday month! Thanks again! You’re a genius!

    1. The greenery and candles make a huge difference. Thank you for your sweet comment and Happy Birthday!!

  2. Karen Watt says:

    Thanks for the winter tips. You have a beautiful home. I’m on fixed income and have modest home, but appreciate ideas. Keep up the BEAUTIFUL good work.

  3. Kathy Abrahamson says:

    Hi Kate- I love your home and your down home personality. It’s like I’m visiting with a friend. I too love my home when it’s decorated for Christmas, but am so excited and renewed when I take it down and have that clean sparser look for the rest of winter.

  4. Thanks, Kate, for sharing ideas that we can all do, spruce up our homes and get rid of the January blahs.

  5. Love how you transitioned your home from the holidays to winter. Beautiful!

  6. Donna Marsh says:

    Thank you for the January tips and pushing me into action. The house always looks so “flat” when the Christmas decorations are put into storage. My “flat” house has been screaming at me all these years to do something, but I only pushed forward into Valentine’s Day…..as if the calendar did not have the month of January. Well, duh!!! Wake up, Donna!

    Love your work and imagination! I worked for many years in the legal field (my parents idea, not mine ). I always wanted something like interior decorating – something colorful and pretty. Retired in my late 80s now, still waking up those deep desires for beauty and organization.. Thank you for being a great teacher and mentor..

    1. Happy New Year Donna! Your comments are always so encouraging and I truly appreciate them every time. I think decorating our homes is a wonderful creative outlet for those of us that can’t paint or draw! 😃

  7. You have a gorgeous home and you have a sweet spirit about you.
    You have a beautiful decorating style and I’m definitely going to incorporate your tips for January decorating.. I usually keep my “winter village” up until the end of January. There isn’t any red or green only neutral colors.
    Thanks again for this post!

  8. Beautiful and inspirational! BTW – where did you get the wooden links displayed on your table? Fabulous!

  9. Pati Justin says:

    What a beautiful home you have.
    The kitchen island is definitely my very favorite.

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words Pati! I would have to say the island is one of my favorite things we added to this house when we bought it.

  10. Love the decorative ‘January’ touches; it sure is inspirational!