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  1. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog! I love your style and taste, probably because it’s very similar to mine. I’ve gone through some life changes in the past year, also. I’m thinking of relocating and downsizing in the next year, so your beautiful villa has definitely inspired me. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas! All the best!

    1. Sandra it makes my day that I could inspire you! And thank you for being a reader!!💗


    Loved your Christmas Tour, Kate! Your home is just beautiful! You have done a fabulous job with your decor in your new villa. I think a tabletop tree in your office and a small tree in your bedroom with lights would be lovely.

    What a relief to not have to worry about the rat in your garage. Who would have known that the rat would have done damage to your car. Glad everything is under control now,

    Your recipe for the Monte Cristo Casserole looks so delicious! I have to make this over the holidays.

    Have a great week, Kate! Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy your posts!

    1. Thank you Mary-Ann! I appreciate that you always take the time and effort to reach out and comment when you can. 💗

  3. Thanks, Kate, for all your wonderful, helpful tips. I always enjoy your posts.

  4. Hi Kate, Love these ideas, and the cute saying. Sharing with my hubby as we spend the holidays renting, hoping for something to come for sale that fits us.

    1. Actually, I sharing the saying with my hubby for our anniversary next weekend. It’s right after Thanksgiving, so I usually forget. 🙂

      1. I love that this one resonated with you this week Marilyn—and prayers for you finding the right home!

  5. judith minotty says:

    I have a feeling you are no longer married . I could be wrong but it is just the way you make statements. It is my and not ours or we. The same with the rat problem. I do like your web site. Judi

    1. Yes I have gone through some life changes Judi. But I haven’t let them get the best of me or ruin my passion for what I love to do. I’m grateful for people like you that enjoy my content here!💗